Tifway 419 Bermuda is the most widely used turfgrass and has been an industry standard for residential lawns, commercial lawns, athletic fields, and golf courses for over 50 years. Its dense, rapid spreading, fine-bladed growth allows it to recover from injury quickly. This makes it one of the most durable bermudagrass choices. It tolerates close mowing and has a high resistance to disease. Tifway 419 performs exceptionally well in heat and drought conditions. It likes sunlight, a minimum of 8 hours daily. With it’s deep, dark green color, it was designed for durability and beauty. Tifway 419 is also an approved bermudagrass for SAWS conservation ordinance (drought tolerant grasses), requiring residential and commercial builders to install because of its ability to survive with very little or no water for extended periods.
Floratam St. Augustine grass was released by the University of Florida and Texas A&M University in 1972, as a SAD virus and chinch bug resistant selection. It has a higher tolerance to insects and disease than Palmetto or Raleigh St. Augustine. It has since been observed to be the most drought and brown patch tolerant St. Augustine grass. Floratam is a coarse textured grass that establishes a ground cover rapidly and has superior color. It does best in sunny areas, as it requires at least six hours of sunlight a day to grow at its optimum rate. Floratam is the only St. Augustine grass that SAWS approves in their conservation ordinance (drought tolerant grasses), requiring residential and commercial builders to install.
Palisades Zoysia was developed by Dr. Milt Engelke and Texas A&M University. Palisades has an aggressive regrowth ability. It's known for being a low maintenance grass that features a medium blade with dark green color. It tolerates both sun and shade well, with low water usage. It is also tolerant to low mowing with good winter hardiness. Palisades is an approved Zoysia for SAWS conservation ordinance (drought tolerant grasses), requiring residential and commercial builders to install.